www.freeiptvnew.blogspot.com offers IPTV service for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace your current Cable TV or Satellite service programming.
All the video content found on the www.freeiptvnew.com is not hosted on our servers nor is created or uploaded by us and does not host, archive, store or distribute media of any kind and acts merely as an index of media URLs posted by enthusiasts of the Internet, which is completely outside our control.

IPTV Streams

iptv streams NO streams/media files are hosted on this website nor is this website affiliated with any of the providers.
www.freeiptvnew.blogspot.com simply acts as a search engine that finds videos from websites like YouTube, DailyMotion, Metacafe and other video portals.
All content is copyright of their respective owners. We urge all copyright owners, to recognize that links contained within this site are located somewhere else on the web. The embedded link points to the location of the video on the web. Please direct all copyright infringement issues to the companies that host these files (Justin.tv, Ustream.tv, Freedocast, etc.)
If you still want to contact us email us at nacer9510@gmail.com   freeiptvnew.blogspot.com takes copyright and other intellectual property rights very seriously. freeiptvnew.com respects the rights of others and prohibits the use of referenced material for any purposes other than for what it was intended for (where such use is lawful and free of civil liability or other constraints) and in such circumstances where possession of such material may have any adverse financial, prejudicial, or any other effect on any third party.
www.freeiptvnew.blogspot.com is not responsible for external websites content. If you find that some of the content violates your rights you may request for that content to be brought down at the host that is responsible for the content. That will ensure that the content is removed from www.freeiptvnew.com and other search engines that may have indexed the content.
Once the content is removed from the website hosting your content, it will automatically be removed from www.freeiptvnew.blogspot.com
All IPTV links shared on the site are not created or hosted by us “freeiptvnew.blogspot.com”, but rather from external servers on the Internet, that we have no authority over.
We do not take responsibility for files and servers created by others. It is your responsibility as the owners of copyrights.

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